All content on this site, included but not limited to texts, graphics, images, video and others is for informational and educational purposes only. This content is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. This content is not a replacement for medical or health advice from a healthcare provider, medical physician, or mental health worker. I am not a medical doctor, I am here sharing health and wellness information. All herbal products are not regulated by the FDA. Before beginning any herbal or supplemental regimen, please consult a licensed healthcare provider to determine if they are the right for your health needs. Customers assume all risks of using products and services.
Communication: Please allow 24-72 hours to receive a response by email to
Return Policy: All sales for products and services are final. No returns or exchanges. If you have received an item that is damaged or defective, I will be happy to replace it with the original product. Replacements can only be made for the purchased product. Please do not return the product until the seller has reached a resolution for the issue. Please email and include the following details below for your replacement. Please allow 24-48 hours for me to respond to your email. In the email Subject line put the order number and the name of the item. In the body of the email include the following:
- Order number
- Order date
- Your contact phone number
- Your contact email
- Product name
- Description of issue
- Photo of issue